TOP > 共立荻野病院コラム一覧 > A Dosage of Medicine(9) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama
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  • リウマチ・膠原病科
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  • 診療時間
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後12:00
  • 月〜土 午前9:00〜午後4:00
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後5:00
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  • 共立荻野病院デイケアセンターフラミンゴ
  • 住宅型有料老人ホーム プメハナ


A Dosage of Medicine(9) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama

   “And how can I say, about my own son, that he’s sick in the head, learned the crazy ways of the. Tokyo gangsters, and now craves after women?"
   “You keep on saying that your son is mentally ill, delinquent and over-sexed, but, as a doctor, let me say that, if you have the biased view that one is crazy or a sex maniac, when you look at people, no one is perfect just as people have different personalities, temperaments and tastes. The same way, there are extroverted and introverted people.”
   "But, Doctor, my son is performing base acts to the bride. And apparently he won’t let her sleep all night. That’s why I came asking you for a dosage of medicine. I think his sexual urge is too strong, so I want some kind of medicine that’d weaken the urge just a tiny bit. That way, the Girl can rest. And someone who has a strong urge and always desires after sex is bound to commit a crime. I know. Young or old. Male or female. I don’t care about the others, but not my own son. My wife's worried, too. Isn’t there such a medicine? To weaken the urge?”
