TOP > 共立荻野病院コラム一覧 > A Dosage of Medicine(12) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama
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  • 胃腸科
  • リウマチ・膠原病科
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  • 診療時間
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後12:00
  • 月〜土 午前9:00〜午後4:00
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後5:00
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  • 共立荻野病院デイケアセンターフラミンゴ
  • 住宅型有料老人ホーム プメハナ


A Dosage of Medicine(12) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama

   "You criticize your son as delinquent and indecent, yet you yourself are fantasizing about the bride’s body. And there’s something indecent about it because your ages are so apart." I blatantly expressed my displeasure.
   "Then you’re saying there’s nobody in Japan who steals a friend’s wife? Eh? Compared to that, just imagining my daughter-in-law’s body is nothing. It’s okay; see? ‘Cuz it’s only in the mind.”
   "I don’t know of such people, but I certainly don’t approve.”
   “Whether right or wrong, I’ve heard plenty, Doctor. Doctor, I’ve heard of a child molesting his mother, a father molesting his daughter." He said in an enthusiastic tone.
   "Well, it's a big world, but that’s ridiculous.”
   “Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I just heard about them. I’ve never believed people like that live in Japan.
   ”It’s getting late---.”
   ”Yeah, but I can hear the cats mating upstairs. When I imagine it, I get this funny feeling. Do you think I'm sick?"
   “Well, I guess you’re not going to give me the medicine to quiet my son’s drives?”
   “Having a strong sex drive is not a sickness? They say medical science has progressed, but that kind of thing can’t be cured? Well, if you can’t cure him, there's nothing I can do. If my daughter-in-law gets strangled by Kinsaku, I’m going to blame you, Doctor. Ha-ha-ha-ha!”
   “Young men have their own pride and conscience. I don’t think an old man like you has to worry."
