TOP > 共立荻野病院コラム一覧 > A Dosage of Medicine(16) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama
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  • 胃腸科
  • リウマチ・膠原病科
  • アレルギー科
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  • 診療時間
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後12:00
  • 月〜土 午前9:00〜午後4:00
  • 月〜金 午前9:00〜午後5:00
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  • 共立荻野病院デイケアセンターフラミンゴ
  • 住宅型有料老人ホーム プメハナ


A Dosage of Medicine(16) by Akihisa Ogino, translated by J.Kageyama

   As I was listening, in the nearby dining room, to their conversation, I began to see, upon the canvas of my imagination, the horses against the green of the grass. I thought back on what Genzo had said.
   Wind began to blow outside. The television antenna was shaking, deforming the faces of the Prime Minister and the other Ministers on the screen. The dryness of the air had caused a large fire, an announcer reported.
   Genzo appeared, very late. He seemed rather rushed and anxious. He was not drunk at all, that night, but, since his tale tended to jump back and forth, allow me to relate the major points.
It happened on the previous night---a windless, warm night.
   Genzo knew that the slight trouble, concerning the newlywed couple, had been settled (since it had only been the mistaken speculation, on the part of the fathers), to the conclusion that the young couple should work out the problem themselves, and that the bride would return in the evening. For some reason, he did not tell his son. Admittedly, Genzo had been busy from the morning, preparing his carnations for shipping. Kinsaku woke up about ten, ate his breakfast and proceeded to walk out.
